Business Turnarounds: When Your Marketing Programs Hit the Wall

Business Turnarounds

Troubleshooting and correcting poor sales response in business turnarounds

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4 Developing and testing marketing programs for your midmarket turnaround
6 Start with a gap analysis and determine what went right in your small business marketing programs.
6.1 What benefits or pain relievers did these buyers find compelling about your company’s marketing deliverables (emails, ebooks, sales presentations, or advertising)?

What are business turnaround strategies for startups and small businesses?

The first step is admitting that your small business needs a turnaround or failure. You have tried to grow to the next level, the middle market, but your sales are flat or, worse, falling.

Here are some reasons:

  • Many small businesses fail within the first 18 months because of various factors.
  • Running out of money is a small business’s most significant risk
  • Inexperience managing a business or an unwillingness to delegate can negatively impact small businesses.
  • Poorly-planned or executed marketing campaigns, or a lack of adequate marketing and publicity, are among the other issues that can cripple small business profits.

You can control some aspects of a turnaround while others are out of your control. Some of my friends, clients, and peers struggle with the COVID-19 virus. This brings both opportunities and will impact middle-market businesses that we find are not financially sound or starting to hum.

Some say that failure is a better teacher than success. As a marketing manager, you will inevitably experience failure in your marketing program. Is your email or ad campaign generating fewer leads, or could they be better? 

A marketing program that targets the wrong prospects or whose sales message is not well received by the market. Failure can reveal insights that lead to successful results for marketing managers in your next marketing program.

Not failing often means not doing. 

This article uncovers and assesses the cause of poor marketing test response in startups and new product launches. Many of these techniques also apply to the problems faced by all marketing managers who must deal with the results of poor sales response in marketing programs in any company.

Turnaround meaning in business?

A business turnaround is a situation in which a business or organization improves its financial performance after a period of decline. This can be done through various methods, such as cost-cutting, increasing revenue, or improving operational efficiency. A turnaround is often achieved by changing the company’s business model or strategy.

A turnaround, also known as a corporate turnaround, occurs when a business or organization improves its financial performance after a period of decline. This can be done through various methods, such as cost cutting, increasing revenue, or improving operational efficiency.

Staring an organizational turnaround in the middle market

While turnarounds are often successful, they can also be risky. If a company fails to make the necessary changes, it may not be able to recover from its decline. For this reason, it is important to carefully assess the situation and plan a strategy with a high chance of success.

The HubSpot inbound agencies lack the human capital with 30 years of experience. Don’t let them fool you. We use inbound agencies all the time and hand off production-ready omnichannel programs to them.

The middle market gets complex, too complex for the inbound marketing agency. They are tactical machines, but global multinational companies are not an inbound marketing agency sweet spot. Thus the rise of Matrix!

If a company is experiencing a decline, it is important to take action quickly to reverse the trend. Several steps can be taken to start an organizational turnaround: assess the situation. Understand the root cause of the decline and identify any areas that need improvement. Review your strategy, people capital, technology, and usage.

Developing and testing marketing programs for your midmarket turnaround

Developing testing marketing programs business turnaround

Often, the marketing programs you execute for your test marketing campaigns or projects for a new product launch fall short of your expectations.

Your email workflows, ad placements, sales support follow-up, and other marketing activities generate inquiries and sales but do not meet the market response expectations you set out in your marketing plan.

You must move to assess your marketing programs and take action to save them. Testing marketing programs requires the marketing manager to have the ability to capture the data and analyze the issues that are causing poor performance.

It becomes a bit of a math problem. Then, you have to figure out why your target audience is not responding, which may require different wording and content.

Now, I’m not talking about the buttons on your call-to-action. Whether they’re red, blue, yellow, or black doesn’t matter. I know my marketing agency friends are all saying he’s crazy.

There are many other things that I would test before I test button colors. 

Another common outcome is that some marketing activities, such as online advertising placements, generate far less response than others, such as email workflows or a trade show appearance.

However, overall results fall about halfway between your projections and zero. This shows a logical need to change your marketing program, product, sales, distribution channel, or all of the above.

When a new market test results in a startup showing neither apparent success nor outright failure, falling somewhere down in the gray middle zone of sales performance, there will be many immediate reactions to the news. 

Your CEO may have a different take than the CFO within your organization. Most of them are distracting and unconstructive, however. Some team members will panic, and others, especially startup founders or senior executives in the company, like board members, will deny the clear facts before them. Don’t let this happen.

These are surprising responses to adversity since ambiguous sales responses are the usual outcome of most market tests. That’s why you perform market testing. As already stated, the reason the market test is done first is to cover both the bad and the good aspects of the product’s marketing appeal and to change the small business marketing program.

Over the past twenty-three years of running a marketing agency, we have received calls asking, “Can you predict the outcome of a marketing program?” The answer is yes. We can. However, testing your marketing programs will be required before we scale them. Digital marketing is just common logic.

When you consider that most startups are introducing new products or services, these products or services may require potential customers to change their business ways in strange and untested markets.

Surprisingly, so many small business or startup team members react to panic and denial to news of a disappointing response to the company’s first market test. They should have expected it and been better prepared to face it. Set expectations with all the stakeholders involved in your marketing campaigns.

Here’s an argument you can use. Before you begin any marketing program and think you will scale it before testing it, let me know how that worked out here @gschildge.

Here are some ways to get your marketing programs turned around for your small business marketing campaigns

What Makes Good Startup VC Firm

Your first reaction as a marketing manager in a startup or an established company basing subpar results for any marketing program is to avoid being swept up in a panic that follows terrible news. Or to be influenced by the emotional responses of others around you. 

Check the date on this post and tell me if you are experiencing this with a worldwide health emergency. These are trying times for everybody in the world at all levels. Panic and not the solution. Be proactive, not reactive.

“Don’t say there’s nothing you can do. 

There’s always one more thing that you can do.

There’s always something you can do.

Now let’s explore how I identify some of the common marketing issues uncovered by market tests in startups or any underperforming marketing program and what you can do to correct them.

Start with a gap analysis and determine what went right in your small business marketing programs.

Before examining the causes of a poor initial market test or any other marketing project, look for areas where your marketing activities performed well. This will be the beginning of your midmarket turnaround.

Review all your metrics and KPIs. Are they realistic? Are your plans working? If not, hire a high-end consulting firm like Matrix Marketing Group to figure it all out. It will be well worth the money.

These positive indicators are key to showing you what you need to do. It may be what you need to change in your marketing program and improve your results.

For example, slightly modifying your marketing approach, the types of prospects you’re targeting, or your marketing methods will cause better marketing performance.

Review these areas in your market test results:

Sales generated by the test. Who bought it, and why? Look at the sales of your marketing test and see how many sales you made, how many leads you received, the benefits of the digital campaign, and how many people bounced or opted out.

Whether you’re launching a new startup business or launching a new product, it is imperative to not only your list but also your basic hygiene. But be sure you understand your customer’s pains and how they will benefit or eliminate them by using your product or service.

Why did these individuals buy? Is there anything about them, such as our job title, responsibility, or specific pains, that makes them different from most prospects you targeted in your test?

Now, it’s time to call some of these new customers and try to find out the common threads that led them to buy your company’s product or service. What factors motivated them to buy? Was it the cost savings? 

Maybe they fear becoming technologically obsolete or being left behind, like a lagger, in their business industry. Maybe they are dissatisfied with a similar product sold by a competitor. Can these motivations be turned into better sales copy for marketing deliverables used in a follow-up marketing campaign?

What benefits or pain relievers did these buyers find compelling about your company’s marketing deliverables (emails, ebooks, sales presentations, or advertising)?  

Determine purpose website

What did they find lacking or confusing in your marketing deliverables? Perhaps the marketing deliverables (ad copy or email workflows) used in your test succeeded with these few buyers despite significant sales benefits and content problems. 

We see this a lot when people try to run Facebook ads. I don’t know how often I’ve heard we’ve done this. We’ve done that before, and it didn’t work. Then I asked, what test did you run?

Some answered, ‘How do you do a test?’ while others have not performed the value proposition exercise required to understand pain points and relievers.

What kinds of companies bought your product?

If you are selling a business product, carefully evaluate the companies who bought from your company during the test. Do they seem more or less technically intuitive than other companies in their industry? 

If your company sells High-Tech products like SaaS products or services, even a few sales to a handful of smaller companies known to be early adopters of the new technology in their industry can be a bright spot in weak overall market test results. As more sales effort is applied and your product proves itself in the field, other companies will follow.

Are the companies smaller in your industry that purchased your product?

If so, it’s a fact that smaller companies make purchase decisions faster, and perhaps it’s only a matter of time with additional effort on your part before larger companies buy.

Examine the market segments and the target companies that occupy your industry.

How does smart targeting work?

Inspect the markets these companies serve and the specific applications they provide to their niche markets. Did these companies buy your product to address some particular use or help their special market segment that was not served by all the other companies in that industry? 

This may be an opportunity to promote certain aspects of your product to those market niches or sweet spots in multi-channel marketing activities. We work with some small businesses in a multi-channel or omnichannel marketing strategy.

Your email list needs to be segmented and targeted to the appropriate person and company.

benefits email marketing

If you tested various email lists for a direct email test or project, examine the results generated by each email list you tested. This is simple if you are using marketing automation. Did specific email lists do better than others? 

If so, are these email lists large enough to make a direct email campaign a viable part of your marketing program despite the poor performance of other email lists?

I recommend that companies do not buy an email marketing list. If you have done your homework, you can build an email list targeting a specific audience wanting your product. However, this still risks higher bounce rates and increased spam alerts, so I recommend tread lightly.

If you tested a few email lists of subscribers (your house list) to a few of your industry’s major trade publications’ email lists, did one of these tests do any better than the others? Did it do better by a considerable amount? 

See if your program is improved by 30% or better. That is a good target. If it did, perhaps you can improve your email results on that publication mailing list by improving the sales impact of your email peace or offer to test it again.

Even a slight bump in results on your email list to an industry’s primary publication is a good sign. Sending subscribers to a major industry publication is often the most representative cross-section of your market. We ordered it and did not do an email blast or spam your email list. 

Examine marketing programs that go wrong and common causes of poor marketing response.

The market test revealed four major causes of subpar market response.

  • Product-related problems (product alignment)
  • Marketing-related problems (confusing brand)
  • Market size and distribution problems
  • Uncontrollable factors (like COVID-19, war, etc.)

You and your marketing team can often correct the first three causes.

Other factors, such as lack of sufficient financing to adequately fund your startup’s marketing activities or bad timing, such as the Coronavirus, also determine the success or failure of a new venture. However, better marketing methods can sometimes reverse these factors.

Startup turnaround and marketing-related problems

Poor marketing results are problems directly related to the marketing content, methods, deliverables, or execution of the test or marketing activity. Let’s examine the most common causes of poor marketing results and what you can do about them.

Copy and deliverable problems and your turnaround

Inadequate marketing and sales copy and poorly developed marketing deliverables are the leading causes of poor response in any marketing effort. This is the first place to look. A test that generates poor or mixed results should be analyzed and modified to perform better in the aftermath. 

With the benefit of hindsight and the experience of receiving feedback from prospects and your Market who receive your test marketing materials, you can often identify areas for improvement in sales copy and presentation. This is where A/B testing comes into play.

The main benefit is missing or is not recognized by the prospect

Of all sales copy-related problems, the value proposition (the main benefit) is missing or not recognized by readers as powerful enough to persuade them to buy your product. It is a leading problem in email marketing, online ads, sales presentations, websites, ebooks, blog posts, etc.

The most common example of this problem is when ad agencies lead an email marketing campaign or a print ad with a clever headline or silly visual pun instead of a clear, no-nonsense presentation of your product’s most compelling benefit to the prospect. 

Relying on your prospects to even understand, much less be motivated by a clever headline or visual, especially in a market test, is a foolish move that always leads to poor sales response.

The main benefit not understood by the prospect can help your midmarket turnaround.

However, most prospects and manufacturing companies won’t see the inherited advantage found in headline-leading revolutionary AI robotic systems for manufacturers. How many times have you read press releases discussing where the leading company is? 

Let’s change the benefits around a bit and see the benefits, like lower scrap rates, reduced material costs, and higher assembly line output—artificial intelligence (AI) robotic systems for manufacturing. These benefits would be a strong main benefit, generating more prospects and leads.

Be sure you map out your customer journey and align your sales copy with your buyers in each stage of that buyer’s journey.

Go through the exercise of understanding your archetypes, personas, titles, Industries, language, pain points, and pain relievers to get a better market response. Shortcut this step, and you’re headed for trouble.

Sales copy and benefits are poorly organized or not well presented.

When the primary sales copy benefit is missing or poorly executed, the other, less essential sales copy benefits are also not present well.

Convincing sales copy should have the same effect as a personal sales presentation. It should lead the reader through each of the product’s key benefits and build a presentation that logically and persuasively moves the reader to the final action step required by the marketing deliverable. These actions require your marketing programs to design specific business outcomes.

Poorly written marketing deliverables either present their sales benefits or value proposition logically or lack enough sales copy benefits to persuade the reader in the first place.

Prospects are not told what to do next or are not motivated enough to take action.

The main headline in the sales copy of your marketing deliverables may be compelling enough to interest your prospects, but your call to action, or the contact information you need to provide to get your prospects to call you, fill out a web form, or link to your company’s website, may be buried in your ad, marketing material, or response coupon—or may not be there at all.

If your midmarket turnaround has stalled, you can improve your call to action in your marketing campaigns and website.

You may have included the necessary sales contact information but no additional incentive for the prospect to call. For example, a free consultation, a discount if the prospect orders within 30 days, or an offer for a free sales premium that is highly useful and relevant to the product or service. You might use an explainer video, white paper, ebook, checklist, or other items of perceived value to your target audience.

 Some prospects may call your company, but some will put your brochure, ad, or coupons aside. They may be making a mental note to call you. But soon, the busy tempo of their work lives resumes, and, absent any special incentive your marketing deliverables offer to nudge them into action, your prospect’s attention shifts elsewhere.

Some of our enterprise sector clients will have a direct salesforce supported by sales development reps. A SaaS company typically develops the sales process so that it is either self-served or may be supported by a first-line customer support person.

 Additionally, this is where marketing automation comes into play. Whether your marketing and sales organization is a one-person show or a team of 25 people, you can nurture these leads automatically without upsetting them by setting up email workflows and conditional logic.

Identifying and solving sales copy and marketing deliverable problems.

You can eliminate sales copy benefits and presentation problems now and in the future. Training yourself to look at your small business marketing deliverables as your prospects do. Your business turnaround consultants will be able to jump-start with a better sales response.

You have to look at it through the lens of your target customers. I’ve seen way too many companies that have created phenomenal products. They were engineering people who failed to get their products into the market due to sales copy and go-to-market plans. They can get into trouble quickly without proper funding and may require a business turnaround strategy.

Start by emptying your mind of all you know about your company’s products or services and rereading each marketing deliverable in its final layout version. Again, if you haven’t researched your market and developed a clear value proposition for each of your stated claims, start there. Because, at this point, you’re just wasting your time and money.

Open your email workflows just like your prospect would, and evaluate the headline of the sales message in the subject line. Review your copy and call to action as your customer would. Is the leading sales benefit of my product or service getting through to me?

Do I understand what this product is, what it does, and what it can do for me? Are the other benefits easy to read and understand? Does your company look credible? What do you do next, and how can I order?

Do the same exercise with your company’s advertising. Please print out the final layout of your ad and pass it on to your peers, friends, and other people in the organization. Get their feedback. Trust me, as a marketing person, it will help lend credibility to your efforts.

Does your online ad layout stand out from the blur of the other ads? Read the headline, then read your body copy. After a few seconds, you know what product is being sold. If not, your ad copy needs to be rewritten, or your layout needs to be redone and excited. Headlines are set bigger, or in bold type, visuals and large, with more spacing between bolder headlines in the body content.

Repeat the process for every marketing deliverable your company produces. Sales material, marketing material, flyers, catalog sheets, and your company’s website are all important to review.

With these new eyes, you will see how the main headline could be written more persuasively—the missing bold subheads in your sales copy where the benefits should be. The call to action that should be at the bottom of your ad but isn’t, or is it? It needs to be bigger and bolder so it won’t be missed by someone who sees it for the first time.

Even the best, most well-written direct sales copy, online ads, or websites can be made even better. It would help if you looked at your development of marketing delivery as a process of constant examination, adaption, and improvement. Cultivating the ability to look at your marketing deliverables with new eyes helps you see how to improve a good sales message.

Developing this skill and listening to the feedback you receive from prospects, customers, internal employees, and sales reps from your initial market test or other marketing activities generates a better response for your next marketing project. It also helps you eliminate sales copy a presentation and weaknesses as a cause of low response on future marketing campaigns.

Wrap-Up on Business Turnaround

Planning is always important before starting a turnaround. You must have a business turnaround process and focus on executing it well.

Matrix creates highly tuned programs and a business turnaround roadmap to drive digital transformation and revenue improvement across the enterprise.

There are some similarities between corporate turnarounds and small businesses and huge differences. An honest marketing assessment might be necessary to identify what programs need tuning and what needs to be eliminated.

Sometimes a business strategy requires an outside view from a middle-market turnaround consultant.

Setting the right strategy is imperative for achieving a successful outcome and realizing goals expeditiously and efficiently. To help you get it right, collect, analyze, and adapt your marketing messages and sales copy.

You will see better results and a reduction in marketing costs.

We’re listening.

Do you have something to say about the middle market business turnaround program? 

Please share it with us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Are you not getting the results you had hoped for with your current marketing agency? Let the experts at this digital marketing agency in Denver, Colorado, help you generate more web traffic, convert leads, and close more sales. Our team knows what it takes to build and maintain a proven marketing strategy that drives high-quality leads. For more information, check out our marketing services or contact us to schedule a free consultation to discuss your needs and our services.

Matrix turnaround approach to business.

1. Rapid Audit and Strategic Assessment  

Matrix Marketing Group begins every turnaround with a swift yet meticulous audit of the business’s marketing and operational landscape. This assessment uncovers the pain points and inefficiencies hindering growth and stability. 

The process includes a comprehensive review of brand messaging to ensure it resonates with the target audience and analyzing customer acquisition channels to see where efforts may need to catch up. 

Additionally, by examining competitors and industry trends, Matrix identifies untapped opportunities for differentiation, giving the business an edge to quickly regain market position.

2. Targeted Digital Marketing Campaigns  

To create an immediate impact, Matrix deploys agile, high-impact digital marketing campaigns designed to drive traffic and generate leads fast. 

These campaigns precisely reach potential customers by tapping into paid advertising, SEO optimizations, and retargeting strategies. A value-driven content strategy is developed alongside ads, creating messages that engage current customers while attracting new ones. 

Each campaign emphasizes messages that resonate swiftly, allowing the business to make meaningful connections that can translate into conversions, even in a short time frame.

3. Sales Funnel Optimization for Immediate Results  

Improving lead conversion rates is critical in any turnaround strategy. Matrix enhances each touchpoint in the sales funnel, optimizing landing pages, calls-to-action, and conversion paths to encourage prospects to take action. 

Leveraging the power of Matrix’s AIContentPad, businesses can quickly generate high-quality, conversion-focused copy at scale, ensuring a steady flow of compelling content without the bottleneck of traditional content production. 

This combination of funnel optimization and rapid content generation primes the business to capture and convert leads efficiently.

4. Reputation Management and Crisis Control  

A business’s reputation can make or break its turnaround in challenging times. Matrix takes a proactive approach to managing the online reputation, addressing negative feedback promptly, and fostering a wave of positive reviews and sentiments. 

A strategic crisis management plan is also implemented to restore trust and rebuild the business’s image among its audience. 

These efforts ensure the brand’s public perception is maintained and enhanced, providing a strong foundation for renewed growth and customer loyalty.

5. Data-Driven Adjustments and Tactical Strategy Shifts  

Matrix’s data analytics capabilities are integral to tracking and optimizing every turnaround stage. 

Real-time data insights allow Matrix to adjust quickly based on customer behavior, engagement metrics, and overall campaign performance. 

By staying responsive to these indicators, Matrix ensures that marketing messages and strategies remain aligned with customer needs, maximizing engagement and reducing time spent on ineffective tactics. This agile approach keeps the business on track and focused on what drives immediate value.

6. Cost-effective content Generation with AI  

Content remains king, but its production can be costly and time-intensive. Matrix offers a unique advantage by utilizing AI-driven tools like AIContentPad for rapid, high-quality content generation across social media, blogs, and ads. 

This solution streamlines content production and allows businesses to maintain a high output of relevant, engaging content at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. 

In the fast-paced turnaround environment, this cost-effective approach is invaluable for keeping up with the content demands necessary to maintain customer engagement.

7. Financial and Operational Strategy for Stability  

Matrix provides businesses with operational and financial guidance, focusing on high-ROI initiatives while deprioritizing or cutting low-performing channels. 

This advisory includes optimizing cash flow management to support short-term growth without compromising financial stability. Matrix’s approach ensures that resources are allocated to initiatives that directly contribute to the business’s immediate revenue goals, creating a stable foundation for rebuilding and sustaining growth. 

Each operational recommendation aligns with the ultimate goal: achieving a quick, impactful recovery.

8. Performance Monitoring and Rapid Strategy Pivots  

Matrix’s expertise in performance tracking ensures that each component of the turnaround strategy is monitored against key performance indicators (KPIs). 

The analytics team vigilantly observes these metrics, ready to pivot tactics as necessary to stay agile in a fast-changing market environment. By tracking engagement, conversion, and customer sentiment data, Matrix can make data-backed adjustments that align with evolving conditions, allowing the business to remain responsive and resilient. 

This vigilance and adaptability help stabilize the business while positioning it for sustained success.

These fortifying strategies empower Matrix Marketing Group to help troubled businesses, ensuring a rapid and comprehensive turnaround by addressing immediate challenges and setting the stage for long-term growth.

General FAQs about Business Turnaround

What is a business turnaround?

turnaround is the financial recovery of a poorly performing company, economy, or individual. To create a turnaround, an organization must acknowledge problems, consider changes, and develop and implement a problem-solving strategy.

Why is a business turnaround important?

Turnarounds are important because they mark an upward shift or improvement for an organization after it experiences a significant period of negativity. The turnaround is akin to a restructuring process where the company converts the loss period into one of profitability and success while stabilizing its future.

How can I start a business turnaround?

The business turnaround strategy is a retrenchment strategy followed by an organization when it feels that a decision made earlier is wrong and needs to be undone before it damages the company’s profitability. A company pivot may be required in both startups and small businesses.

What is a business marketing assessment?

Business marketing assessment is a detailed and objective evaluation of marketing strategies, talent, and technology. It also comprehensively analyzes environmental forces (like COVID-19), market trends, entry barriers, competition, risks, opportunities, and the company’s resources and constraints.

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