Client-side & server-side rendering

Introduction to Client-Side & Server-Side Rendering

What is Client-Side & Server-Side Rendering?

Client-side and server-side rendering are two methods used in web development to display a website’s content to the user. In simpler terms, they are the processes that determine how a webpage is loaded and displayed on a user’s browser.

Client-side rendering refers to the practice of loading a webpage’s content on the user’s device and then using a web browser to render and display the content. This means that the code responsible for displaying the webpage is executed on the user’s device, rather than on a remote server.

On the other hand, server-side rendering involves rendering the webpage on the server and sending a complete HTML page to the user’s browser. The browser then displays the page without the need for additional code execution.

Why is it important?

The choice of rendering method has a significant impact on website performance and user experience. With client-side rendering, the website’s content is loaded faster because the code is executed on the user’s device. This results in a more responsive and interactive website.

On the other hand, server-side rendering can be more efficient for certain types of web pages, especially those that are content-heavy. It also ensures that the website’s content is visible to search engine crawlers, making it more SEO-friendly.

Who uses it?

Both client-side and server-side rendering are used by web developers to create dynamic and responsive websites. However, the choice between the two methods depends on the specific needs of the website and its target audience.

Use Cases

E-commerce Websites
E-commerce websites often have a large number of products and categories, making them content-heavy pages. In such cases, server-side rendering can be more efficient and faster, as it sends a complete HTML page to the user’s browser.

Social Media Platforms
Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter use a combination of client-side and server-side rendering. When a user scrolls through their timeline, the content is loaded dynamically through client-side rendering. However, when a user clicks on a specific post or visits a profile, the content is rendered on the server-side.

Single Page Applications (SPAs)
Single Page Applications (SPAs) are web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content without reloading the entire page. This type of application relies heavily on client-side rendering to provide a seamless user experience.


The choice of rendering method depends on the type of website and the desired user experience. For content-heavy websites, server-side rendering may be more efficient. On the other hand, for dynamic and interactive websites, client-side rendering may be a better option.


Client-side and server-side rendering are sometimes referred to as front-end and back-end rendering, respectively. They are also commonly known as client-side scripting and server-side scripting.

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