How To Create A Pillar Content Strategy Step-By-Step: Your Blog’s #1 Backbone

Pillar Content Strategy Step-By-Step guide

Creating a pillar content strategy can be daunting for any blogger or content marketing team.

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Start with a simple pillar content strategy.

We recommend starting with your biggest goal and working backward from there.

For example, if your goal is to get 3,000 subscribers in three months, what needs to happen for this? Start breaking down the necessary steps from there.

We’ve created this post to help you create pillar content strategy and posts for your blog’s backbone!

Creating a pillar content strategy is one of the most important steps in building a successful blog.

This is a huge topic that requires you to employ a lot of different strategies and tactics when it comes to creating content. AI Agentic Systems for Marketing Healthcare Organizations

Your pillar posts should:

Be high-quality and relevant to your audience.

Provide value to readers and establish you as a thought leader in your industry.

Increase organic search visibility for keywords that bring traffic to your blog.

Promote engagement, such as social shares or comments, on the post and across your other platforms, like Twitter. Reach new audiences through backlinks from reputable publications.

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Build trust with potential customers and solidify brand advocates who’ll likely engage with your content later on (i.e., they’ll be more receptive to future pitches). 

Over time, this can develop into a sustained lead generation strategy or paid advertising campaign, which will help you reach targeted prospects at scale online. 

For example, pillar posts about marketing technology, such as this one from KISSmetrics’ blog, can attract highly qualified traffic and increase a company’s reach to a wider audience for a fraction of the cost.

What is a pillar content strategy?

pillar content strategy?

It is important to understand pillar content strategy to know how it can help you create a successful blog. It is key to your success in blogging and offers a wide range of benefits. 

There are many different pillar content strategies that you can employ when it comes to creating content, but one pillar strategy will increase the chances of building a successful blog. One of the most popular pillars is the topic-driven post, which helps you optimize your blog for keywords and rank well on search engine results pages.

What are the benefits of a good pillar content strategy?

The pillar strategy offers many benefits for creating content, not just popular pillar types like topic-driven post-pillar content. You can also include pillar content types such as interviews and roundups.

When you have pillar content types optimized for keywords and rank well on search engine results pages, you can avoid one of the main problems in today’s blogging industry: pillar content types are easily shared and distributed.

Blogging is not something that has only started in recent years. It has been around for a long time, but it wasn’t until recently that pillar content strategy became common when creating pillar content types.

These strategies offer many benefits when building blog traffic and growing your reach. They offer everything from outside link sources to gaining authority backlinks, which can help rank well on search engine results pages for specific topics on which people want more information. Content Marketing Financial Firms

Pillar content strategy examples?

Pillar content strategy examples?

One pillar-type example is an interview pillar content strategy where you ask someone in your niche a question and publish their response.

You can also create pillar strategy examples through roundups. You gather pillar content types about specific topics in your niche, compile them with one link to each pillar post or resource, and publish the posts on one page for easy access.

These pillar content strategies are two pillar content types that offer many benefits to increasing blog traffic, which can help grow your reach online by sharing tips, tools, experiences, observations, insights, etc.

Examples of pillar posts to create in different categories (e.g., food, fashion, marketing technology, or skiing)

Since pillar content is the backbone of your blog, it’s important to think about what pillar posts you should create.

A pillar post might be an informative article about the best ski resorts in Colorado. A pillar post can also be a style article like “How To Wear White After Labor Day.”

Or it could be a marketing technology like “11 Marketing Automation Tools You Need To Know About in 2022.” Depending on your business and industry, you’ll need different pillar posts, but they are one of the most important parts of your blog strategy.

They’re not limited to interview pillar types like this but can be done on any topic that offers some value to readers.

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Outreach pillar content strategy examples?

One of the most effective ways to promote pillar content types is through outreach pillar strategy examples.

For example, suppose you have a pillar-type post about how to use Twitter for business. In that case, you can contact other bloggers in your niche with pillar content types on Twitter and ask them to link back to your pillar post using a trackable URL-shortening service. 

This allows you to measure how many people click through from the share or retweet of their blog post back to your pillar resource.

You can find which pillar content strategies are most popular for each pillar type by looking at what’s shared the most across social media. 

If you’re building blog traffic with roundup pillar types, analyze what roundups receive the most shares on Facebook or Twitter. 

Find out which ones get linked to the most and which pillar content types people request help with through outreach pillar strategy examples. This information can be used to create a better pillar content strategy.

What is a blogging backbone?

blogging backbone writing posting

A pillar content strategy is just one piece of the blogging backbone. Your blog’s pillar content strategies add to your blog’s authority, ranking power, and search engine optimization

Today, many blogging backbones built on pillar content strategies have helped hundreds of thousands of bloggers build their blogs from the ground up. 

Creating a good pillar content strategy takes time and effort, but it’s more than worth it when you start building traffic, growing your reach, and increasing readership daily, thanks to pillar content types. 

This pillar of blog traffic can help you get your name out there and increase the likelihood of earning revenue from products and services offered through your blog.

What is a blogging framework?

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A blogging framework is created to provide added value and usability for pillar content strategies. 

You’ll find that some blogger frameworks come built-in with backlink tools like Moz or SEMrush SEO Tools, link-building resources, Google Analytics, and other great tools to help bloggers succeed online while creating pillar content strategies.

We recommend using a blogging framework when starting or upgrading if you use another blogging platform like WordPress to save time and effort. 

A good blogging framework should offer you all the features you need to start up pillar-type posts quickly without spending hours digging.

The pillar content strategy framework

The pillar content strategy framework

The pillar content strategy framework is a pillar content type that allows you to set up pillar-type posts quickly without spending hours digging.

This pillar content strategy framework is one of the pillar content types that offer many benefits when it comes to increasing blog traffic by offering many features which can improve your blog. 

These pillar content strategies are two pillar content types that offer many benefits to increasing blog traffic by offering many features to help grow your blog.

How do you create pillar content?

A pillar content strategy is one of the most important steps in creating a successful blog. A pillar content strategy consists of pillar posts, pillar themes, pillar topics, and pillar keywords.

Pillar Posts: A pillar post is a recap of a major event with which you have been heavily involved. It’s also a story that people will find valuable to read. 

You can create pillar posts by making them about your own experiences or events you have been attending as an onlooker. The more personal a pillar post is, the more people will be compelled to read it.

What is cluster content?

Cluster content is a pillar content variation used to create an editorial calendar

A pillar strategy doesn’t focus on a single subject, but clusters tackle a few related topics and push them into cohesive blog post blocks. 

They’re often organized around events, holiday themes, or monthly priorities. Cluster posts are usually longer than pillar posts and require more time upfront for research and planning.

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How to create a pillar content strategy for your blog

A pillar content strategy is an integral part of your blog. You need pillar posts to have a successful blog because they provide value to readers and establish you as a thought leader in your industry.

Creating pillar content that delivers on these three points will help you get more organic search visibility for targeted keywords that bring traffic to your blog.

Plus, pillar posts build trust with potential customers over time, leading to sustained lead-generation strategies or paid advertising campaigns. This article will teach you how to create pillar content, the type of pillar posts every blog needs, and which are best for your industry.

Creating a pillar content strategy is one of the most important steps in building a successful blog.

This article will teach you everything you need to know about pillar posts, their benefits, and which are right for your industry. 

You’ll also learn how to put together your pillar content strategy that can help take your blog to the next level.

How to make pillar posts work for you

How to make pillar posts work

For pillar posts to work for you, they need to either offer a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the process of creating a pillar post or a pillar post that is going to have a lot of social media engagement. 

A pillar post may not have as many page views as other types of content, but pillar posts will create the most value if the pillar content strategy is executed correctly.

Create pillar posts that offer a behind-the-scenes look into how you create pillar posts

If readers understand the process of creating pillar posts, it will give them more value than any other post type. 

People love seeing behind-the-scenes content because they can see what happens and learn from mistakes, so they don’t have to repeat them and take advice and direction directly from someone who has made those mistakes already.

What pillar posts should include:

The social media pillar post: 

This pillar post will require images, text, links, and videos. It should be an editorial calendar staple and one of your most popular types of blog content. 

The main point of this pillar post is to talk about the social media channels in which your company or blog excels, such as Facebook or Twitter.

The process pillar post: 

This pillar post should detail the overall process that goes into creating pillar posts, including insight into how you research information, source content, and more 

Depending on what you want to demonstrate, there are multiple ways to spin this pillar post. 

For example, if you have a big list of ideas for pillar posts that you’re working on but need help finalizing, include some of those pillar posts so readers can start sharing them with their networks immediately. 

The goal here is visibility, so someone picks up your idea and does something great before you can complete all of the pillar posts you’re working on.

The pillar post that gets the most social media engagement: This post may or may not be created alongside other pillar posts, depending on what will work best for your blog and which pillar content strategy is coming next. 

Look at similar pillar posts to see if there are any elements you can use in your pillar post so it attracts a lot of attention, i.e., visuals, text, etc. 

Be sure to include a call-to-action at the end of this pillar post because asking readers to share pillar content will increase its visibility and allow more people to engage with your blog.

Create pillar posts that will get a lot of social media engagement

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These pillar posts need to be highly visual, so you will need images and videos in addition to text. 

These pillar posts should also include the influencers who have helped contribute to your blog’s success within this pillar post so readers can see how important it is to have outside perspectives when creating pillar content.

The goal here is social media, so talk about which channels are best for each pillar post type and give examples of these pillar posts in action with real numbers regarding traffic and engagements with the pillar content.

If you want to include pillar posts created by influencers, ensure they promote their work and bring them more exposure.

It’ll take some additional planning because you’ll need to create pillar posts relevant to the featured pillar post for this pillar content strategy to be profitable for your blog.

This pillar post has many different versions depending on what’s best for your pillar content strategy. Still, it should always lead readers back to one of your pillar posts to learn even more about a subject or ask questions directly to someone who has offered their opinions within the pillar post itself.

The importance of consistency in your pillar content strategy

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Pillar content strategy is huge and requires you to have a lot of different tactics and strategies at your disposal when it comes to pillar content creation

Pillar content creation is pillar content creation. The only difference is that pillar posts with a lot of traffic and engagement will force you to strategize more about what content goes where in your pillar post schedule.

One example is pillar posts that get a lot of social media engagement. These pillar posts should always be highly visual. Creating pillar posts with visuals will make them more compelling and attention-grabbing, which means they’ll also be more likely to get shared on social media by readers who read pillar posts like these. 

Pillar content strategy also requires you to be consistent by creating pillar posts relevant to the post they’re sharing, leading readers back to pillar posts on your blog instead of taking attention away from what you’ve already published.

Complete all of the pillar posts before publishing pillar posts on a regular pillar post schedule.

You can’t expect pillar content strategy to succeed if you go pillar by pillar instead of cross-referencing all pillar posts and creating a pillar post schedule that covers every pillar piece.

A pillar content strategy requires you to create pillar posts relevant to the topics your blog covers so readers don’t feel like they’re being ignored regarding what interests them.

This is one of the pillars of building a successful blog, but it’s also something you’ll need to remember when coming up with additional ideas for future pillar posts.

The consistency required for this pillar content strategy will force you to complete your pillar posts before moving forward and publishing new ones regularly.

Why it is important to have a pillar content strategy.

If you want to succeed in business, having a pillar content strategy is important. That means having one primary goal for your blog and then laying out the steps that need to happen for this goal to be reached.

  • Your pillar content strategy should be based on your goals and what you’re trying to accomplish with your blog.   
  • Whether it’s driving traffic, increasing conversions, or building an email list. 

The pillar content strategy should also depend on the type of blog that you’re running: 

  • Is it a personal blog? 
  • A niche blog? 
  • Or an authority site? 

All three types require different pillar content strategies because they all try to achieve different things. 

For example, if your pillar content strategy is focused on increasing conversions, you might want to start with guest posting as a pillar content strategy.

Make sure that your pillar content strategy is well-rounded and includes things like:

  • producing great content
  • creating useful interactive tools
  • networking with other bloggers so your pillar strategy can reach its full potential.

After you’ve laid out the pillar strategy for your blog and included the steps needed to achieve it, you’ll be able to implement tactics to help you accomplish the main goal of the pillar content strategy.

Once this has been completed successfully, it’s time to work on another pillar strategy – but this time, focus on what kind of change you’re looking for (for example, if one pillar were for email list building, now it would be about increasing conversions instead).

  • Pillar content strategy is the foundation of your blog
  • Your blog won’t have a focus or an objective. 

How do you expect to get there if you don’t know where you’re going? This is why pillar content strategies are so important!

If, for some reason, part of your pillar strategy fails or doesn’t go as planned, make sure to update it. That way, you can learn from mistakes and implement things differently next time. 

That’s what pillar content strategies are all about: experimenting with different ideas until they work! 

Don’t give up if something doesn’t work out right away – if, at first, you don’t succeed, again later.


Pillar content strategies work for blog pillar strategies, and pillar content strategies don’t work. The only way to determine if your pillar content strategy works is by putting it into play!

Pillar content strategy can be tough, but if you get it right, the hard part is over   – now you have to implement all of the tactics outlined in your pillar content strategy. That makes pillar content strategies great: they’re simple enough in theory and easy to do in practice!

Now that you know what a pillar content strategy is and how to create one, it’s time to assemble everything and start working on your pillar blog plan. Get started today!

  • Once you’ve implemented your pillar blog pillar content pillar strategy, it’s time to move on to the next pillar content pillar strategy. This way, you can work up and accomplish bigger things with your blog!
  • Creating a pillar content pillar strategy requires a lot of thought and planning. When creating one, remember to focus on what kind of change you want to see in your business or blog – then work backward from there. That way, you’ll reach new heights that were once unthinkable!

Once you’ve got the pillar down pat, your blog posts will combine like magic!

Your posts will have more meaning because they work towards the same goal instead of being spread across different topics. Now, go out there and start creating pillar content pillar strategies!

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General FAQs

What is pillar content strategy?

Pillar Content Strategy: Make sure your pillar is well-rounded and includes things like producing great content, creating useful interactive tools, and networking with other bloggers so your blog posts tower over the competition.

What is a content strategy, and why do I need one?

A content strategy involves planning the content you want to create and share on your blog. It’s important to know what kind of blog you want before creating a content strategy so that it can be tailored to the needs of your readership. Content strategies are also an effective way to revamp blogs that have been neglected or only contain sporadic posts from multiple topics.

How many pillar content strategies do I need to have?

It all depends. It depends on your goals and objectives. Ensure your pillar content pillar is well-rounded and includes things like producing great content, creating useful interactive tools, and networking with other bloggers so that your blog posts tower over the competition.

Where do I start with pillar content?

Creating a pillar content strategy requires a lot of thought and planning. When creating one, remember to focus on what kind of change you want to see in your business or blog – then work backward from there. That way, you’ll reach new heights that were once unthinkable!

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