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Online Advertising Services

We’ll show you which services are best matched for each stage to increase exposure and convert leads into loyal customers—helping maximize ROI.

Paid advertisements redirect 65% of the traffic. Organic results receive only 35% of clicks. When customers have made a buying decision, paid ads convert better.

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Content marketing, SEO, Online advertising, Social advertising, and Social media management

  • 701% of website visits from email marketing
  • Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) increased by 78%
  • 63% decrease in the cost of customer acquisition

Online Advertising Plan, PPC, and Display

  • 251% increase in organic contact form submissions
  • ROAS ratio of 5 to 1
  • 483% increase in organic sessions
  • Custom landing pages and workflows
  • Comprehensive online advertising strategy
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Online Advertising Agency Services

Matrix Marketing Group offers various online advertising agency services to help you achieve your goals.

From digital advertising campaigns and search engine optimization (SEO) to website design and social media management – our team is here to help you create an effective online presence that will drive results. Our experienced digital marketers understand the nuances of each.

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Paid Social Media Advertising Services

Paid Social Media Advertising Services That Drive Results

Starter – 15% of ad spend/mo

  • 2 Social Network
  • Up to 6 unique ads
  • Up to 2 advertising campaigns
  • Ad account setup and optimization

Professional – 15% of ad spend/mo

Digital Advertising Process

Using Agile advertising methods allows Matrix Marketing Group to keep pace with change trends.

If you have done an SEO audit in the past 3 months, let us have a look at it for you. If an SEO audit has been done, we are ready to set the advertising budget with a scorecard to measure the ROI of each ad campaign.

We develop performance-based advertising based on your target customer archetype, personas, and three-level content plan to increase your visibility. The definition of advertising services is found at MATRIX.

Stop Wasting Ads! Get Laser-Targeted Clicks (and Customers)

Tired of ad duds? Get eyeballs on your brand with laser-focused online ads that convert. Click to unleash the power of targeted marketing!

Stop Scrolling, Start Selling: Social Ads That Convert Like Crazy

Get ready to unleash the power of AI-targeted ads that turn likes into leads and leads into SALES.

Our Online Advertising Services Include:

The SEO manager is the conductor of the website’s orchestra, guiding its performance in the SERP symphony.

  1. Paid Search (PPC): This involves running advertising campaigns on search engines like Google Ads, where you bid on keywords to display your ad at the top of SERPs. While not strictly SEO, it can complement organic SEO efforts.
  2. Display Advertising: Banner ads, video ads, and other visual formats placed on websites and apps. It can be targeted based on demographics, interests, and online behavior. MatrixAI Pricing and Products
  3. Retargeting: Showing ads to users who have previously interacted with your website or brand. Effective for driving conversions and brand recall.
  4. Native Advertising: Ads that blend seamlessly with the content of a website or app, creating a less intrusive experience for users.
  5. Programmatic Advertising: Automated buying and selling of ad space through real-time bidding platforms.
  6. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): The umbrella term encompassing SEO and Paid Search.
  7. Conversion Tracking: Measuring the effectiveness of your advertising efforts by tracking user actions on your website, such as purchases or sign-ups.
  8. Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on your ad.
  9. Cost-Per-Click (CPC): The amount you pay for each click on your ad. Travel, Tourism, and Hospitality Industry
  10. Return on Investment (ROI): The net profit you make from advertising campaigns.
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