Gross Rating Points (GRPs)


Gross Rating Points (GRPs) is a key metric used in the field of advertising and media planning. It is a measurement system that helps advertisers and media planners understand the reach and frequency of their advertising campaigns. The concept of GRPs has been in use for decades and has evolved over the years to become an essential tool in the arsenal of marketers. In this glossary definition, we will delve into the details of GRPs and understand its significance in the world of advertising.

What is it?

In simple terms, Gross Rating Points (GRPs) is a measure of the total audience reached by an advertising campaign. It is calculated by multiplying the reach (the percentage of the target audience who have been exposed to the ad) by the frequency (the number of times the ad has been shown). For example, if an ad has a reach of 50% and is shown five times, then the GRPs would be 250 (50% x 5 = 250).

GRPs are often used in conjunction with other metrics such as impressions, which measure the number of times an ad is displayed, and CPM (cost per thousand), which measures the cost of reaching 1,000 people. Together, these metrics provide a comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness of an ad campaign.

Why is it important?

GRPs are a crucial tool in marketing and advertising for several reasons. Firstly, they help advertisers and media planners gauge the effectiveness of their campaigns. By calculating the GRPs, they can determine the reach and frequency of their ads, which in turn helps them make informed decisions about their advertising strategy.

Secondly, GRPs allow for easy comparison between different ad campaigns. It is a standardized measurement system that can be used to compare the performance of one ad to another, regardless of the medium it was shown on or the target audience. This makes it easier for advertisers to track the success of their campaigns and make necessary adjustments.

Lastly, GRPs are an essential component of media planning. By understanding the reach and frequency of their ads, media planners can determine the optimal placement and scheduling of ads to ensure maximum impact and return on investment.

Who uses it?

GRPs are primarily used by advertisers, media planners, and media buyers. Advertisers use GRPs to evaluate the success of their campaigns and make decisions on future advertising strategies. Media planners use GRPs to determine the most effective media mix for their clients, while media buyers use them to negotiate ad space and time with media outlets.

Use cases:

GRPs find various applications in the world of marketing and advertising. Let’s take a look at a few use cases to understand its importance further:

1. Target audience analysis: By calculating the GRPs, advertisers can determine which target audience has been reached and how often. This information is crucial in making decisions about future campaigns and targeting specific demographics.

2. Budget allocation: GRPs help in determining the most cost-effective media mix for a campaign. Advertisers can use this information to allocate their budget to different media outlets based on their reach and frequency.

3. Campaign evaluation: By tracking the GRPs of different ads, advertisers can assess the success of their campaigns and make necessary adjustments. This helps in improving the effectiveness of future campaigns.


GRPs are applicable to all forms of traditional and digital media, including TV, radio, print, outdoor advertising, and online platforms. With the rise of digital marketing, there has been a shift towards using digital GRPs, which take into account online and mobile reach and frequency.


Apart from GRPs, the concept of reach and frequency is also referred to as Television Rating Points (TRPs), Audience Delivery, and Target Rating Points (TRPs). In digital marketing, it may also be known as Digital Rating Points (DRPs) or Internet Gross Rating Points (iGRP). However, regardless of the terminology used, the underlying principle remains the same.

In conclusion, Gross Rating Points (GRPs) is a key metric in the world of advertising and media planning. It helps in evaluating the effectiveness of ad campaigns, making budget allocation decisions, and optimizing media mix. With its widespread applicability and ease of comparison, GRPs will continue to be an essential tool for advertisers and media planners in the future.